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A New message is used when a new order is created.

API endpoints for New Order

Sync REST API Endpoint to call the API: https://{base_url}/api/v1/order/new.

Async REST API Endpoint to call the API: https://{base_url}/api/v1/endpoint.

Data Model JSON for New

New - Sample Payload
"Meta": {
"DataModel": "Order",
"EventType": "New",
"EventDateTime": "2022-08-16T14:21:20.733Z",
"Test": true,
"Source": {
"ID": "182f5730-c701-42d9-836c-bafa2deef570",
"Name": "EHR Bridge Dev Tools"
"Destinations": [
"ID": "5d1aef34-96eb-4084-acaa-97868b9aa11d ",
"Name": "Destinations EMR"
"Logs": [
"ID": "2df963e1-8fa6-4271-994c-8b8dd9c5cd92",
"AttemptID": "871a81ed-d187-4952-aa34-1c40e1f17832"
"Message": {
"ID": 5565
"Transmission": {
"ID": 12414
"FacilityCode": null
"Patient": {
"Identifiers": [
"ID": "0000000001",
"IDType": "MR"
"ID": "7488cc7f-f40a-4990-8a98-dca6bcc05f17",
"IDType": "EHRID"
"ID": "73f84173-2690-415f-a0d5-571e3d56128a",
"IDType": "NIST"
"Demographics": {
"FirstName": "James ",
"MiddleName": "Nathan",
"LastName": "Wiliams",
"DOB": "2008-01-06",
"SSN": "101-01-0001",
"Sex": "Male",
"Race": "White",
"IsHispanic": null,
"Religion": null,
"MaritalStatus": "Single",
"IsDeceased": null,
"DeathDateTime": null,
"PhoneNumber": {
"Home": "+18088675901",
"Office": null,
"Mobile": null
"EmailAddresses": [],
"Language": "en",
"Citizenship": [],
"Address": {
"StreetAddress": "4762 Mall Street",
"City": "San Jose"",
"State": "CA",
"ZIP": "53566",
"County": "Santa Clara",
"Country": "USA"
"Notes": []
"Visit": {
"VisitNumber": "1234",
"AccountNumber": null,
"PatientClass": null,
"VisitDateTime": "2015-04-21T13:54:49.863Z",
"AttendingProvider": {
"ID": "4356789876",
"IDType": "NPI",
"FirstName": "Davis",
"LastName": "Wilson",
"Credentials": [
"Address": {
"StreetAddress": "123 Greatlakes St.",
"City": "San Jose"",
"State": "CA",
"ZIP": "53703",
"County": "Santa Clara",
"Country": "USA"
"EmailAddresses": [],
"PhoneNumber": {
"Office": "+16085551234"
"Location": {
"Type": null,
"Facility": null,
"Department": null,
"Room": null
"ConsultingProvider": {
"ID": "2434534567",
"IDType": "NPI",
"FirstName": "Smith",
"LastName": "Brown",
"Credentials": [
"Address": {
"StreetAddress": "312 Meher Park St. 400",
"City": "San Jose",
"State": "CA",
"ZIP": "53593",
"County": "Santa Clara",
"Country": "USA"
"EmailAddresses": [],
"PhoneNumber": {
"Office": "+16085559999"
"Location": {
"Type": null,
"Facility": null,
"Department": null,
"Room": null
"ReferringProvider": {
"ID": "4236464757",
"IDType": "NPI",
"FirstName": "Martin ",
"LastName": "Thomas",
"Credentials": [
"Address": {
"StreetAddress": "500 First St.",
"City": "San Jose"",
"State": "CA",
"ZIP": "63105",
"County": "Santa Clara",
"Country": "USA"
"EmailAddresses": [],
"PhoneNumber": {
"Office": "+13145554321"
"Location": {
"Type": null,
"Facility": null,
"Department": null,
"Room": null
"Guarantor": {
"Number": "10001910",
"FirstName": "Kent",
"MiddleName": null,
"LastName": "Allen",
"SSN": null,
"DOB": null,
"Sex": null,
"Spouse": {
"FirstName": "Gracy",
"LastName": "Allen"
"Address": {
"StreetAddress": "4762 Hickory Street",
"City": "San Jose"",
"State": "CA",
"ZIP": "53566",
"County": "Santa Clara",
"Country": "USA"
"PhoneNumber": {
"Home": null,
"Business": null,
"Mobile": null
"EmailAddresses": [],
"Type": null,
"RelationToPatient": "Father",
"Employer": {
"Name": "Digitech Labs",
"Address": {
"StreetAddress": "1456 Old Axis Road",
"City": "San Jose",
"State": "CA",
"ZIP": "53719",
"County": "Santa Clara",
"Country": "USA"
"PhoneNumber": "+18083451121"
"Insurances": [
"Plan": {
"ID": "31572",
"IDType": "Payor ID",
"Name": "HMO Plan",
"Type": null
"MemberNumber": null,
"Company": {
"ID": "60054",
"IDType": null,
"Name": "aetna (60054 0131)",
"Address": {
"StreetAddress": "PO Box 14080",
"City": "San Jose"",
"State": "CA",
"ZIP": "40512-4079",
"County": "Santa Clara",
"Country": "USA"
"PhoneNumber": "+18089541123"
"GroupNumber": "847025-024-0009",
"GroupName": "Digitech Labs",
"EffectiveDate": "2015-01-01",
"ExpirationDate": "2020-12-31",
"PolicyNumber": "9140860055",
"Priority": null,
"AgreementType": null,
"CoverageType": null,
"Insured": {
"Identifiers": [],
"LastName": null,
"MiddleName": null,
"FirstName": null,
"SSN": null,
"Relationship": null,
"DOB": null,
"Sex": null,
"Address": {
"StreetAddress": null,
"City": null,
"State": null,
"ZIP": null,
"County": null,
"Country": null
"Location": {
"Type": "Inpatient",
"Facility": "MES Clinic",
"Department": "3N",
"Room": "136",
"Bed": "B"
"Order": {
"ID": "157968300",
"ApplicationOrderID": null,
"Status": "New",
"TransactionDateTime": "2015-05-06T06:00:58.872Z",
"CollectionDateTime": "2015-05-06T06:00:58.872Z",
"Specimen": {
"Source": null,
"BodySite": null,
"ID": null
"Procedure": {
"Code": "49086-2",
"Codeset": null,
"Description": "Maternal screen"
"Provider": {
"NPI": "4356789876",
"ID": "4356789876",
"IDType": "NPI",
"FirstName": "Davis",
"LastName": "Wilson",
"Credentials": [
"Address": {
"StreetAddress": "123 Main St.",
"City": "San Jose",
"State": "CA",
"ZIP": "53703",
"County": "Santa Clara",
"Country": "USA"
"EmailAddresses": [],
"PhoneNumber": {
"Office": "+16085551234"
"Location": {
"Type": null,
"Facility": null,
"Department": null,
"Room": null
"ResultCopyProviders": [],
"OrderingFacility": {
"Name": null,
"Address": {
"StreetAddress": null,
"City": null,
"State": null,
"ZIP": null,
"County": null,
"Country": null
"PhoneNumber": null
"Priority": "Stat",
"Expiration": null,
"Comments": null,
"Notes": [],
"Diagnoses": [
"Code": "Z31.41",
"Codeset": "ICD-10",
"Name": "Fertility Testing Encounter",
"Type": null,
"DocumentedDateTime": null
"ClinicalInfo": [
"Code": "QUESTION001",
"Codeset": null,
"Description": "Estimated Due Date",
"Value": "2015-10-05",
"Units": null,
"Abbreviation": null,
"Notes": []
"Code": "QUESTION002",
"Codeset": null,
"Description": "Ethnicity",
"Value": "White",
"Units": null,
"Abbreviation": "W",
"Notes": []
"Code": "QUESTION010",
"Codeset": null,
"Description": "Is this a twin pregnancy?",
"Value": "Singleton",
"Units": null,
"Abbreviation": "sng",
"Notes": []
"Code": "QUESTION011",
"Codeset": null,
"Description": "Dating Method",
"Value": "LMP",
"Units": null,
"Abbreviation": "lmp",
"Notes": []