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Grouped Orders

::tip Description The GroupOrders event type can be used to group multiple orders that are sent in the same ordering session. This allows for efficient and organized transmission of multiple orders in a single event, reducing the need for individual events for each order. :::

API endpoints for Grouped Orders

Sync REST API Endpoint to call the API: https://{base_url}/api/v1/order/query-response.

Async REST API Endpoint to call the API: https://{base_url}/api/v1/endpoint.

Data Model JSON for Grouped Orders

Grouped Orders - Sample Payload
"Meta": {
"DataModel": "Order",
"EventType": "GroupedOrders",
"EventDateTime": "2022-08-16T14:21:20.733Z",
"Test": true,
"Source": {
"ID": "549024b2-a49d-4f07-997e-1a11f7b25d34",
"Name": "EHR Bridge Dev Tools"
"Destinations": [
"ID": "e3c6476a-3692-45de-b10e-680b0e5ec9e2 ",
"Name": "Destinations EMR"
"Logs": [
"ID": "cf543be8-ad25-44f4-8ee3-cb2acfca77f6 ",
"AttemptID": "29b93b20-0ed3-48cf-8774-431ba46dd617"
"Message": {
"ID": 5565
"Transmission": {
"ID": 12414
"FacilityCode": null
"Patient": {
"Identifiers": [
"ID": "0000000001",
"IDType": "MR"
"ID": "2ce312ab-ea0e-49e3-96d8-7afff5c16dfe",
"IDType": "EHRID"
"ID": "c4970901-97b7-4017-a124-10837665c714",
"IDType": "NIST"
"Demographics": {
"FirstName": "Harry",
"MiddleName": "Austin",
"LastName": "Wright",
"DOB": "2008-01-06",
"SSN": "101-01-0001",
"Sex": "Male",
"Race": "White",
"IsHispanic": null,
"Religion": null,
"MaritalStatus": "Single",
"IsDeceased": null,
"DeathDateTime": null,
"PhoneNumber": {
"Home": "+12588675301",
"Office": null,
"Mobile": null
"EmailAddresses": [],
"Language": "en",
"Citizenship": [],
"Address": {
"StreetAddress": "4762 Palm Beach lane",
"City": "San Jose"",
"State": "CA",
"ZIP": "56456",
"County": "Santa Clara",
"Country": "USA"
"Notes": []
"Visit": {
"VisitNumber": "1234",
"AccountNumber": null,
"PatientClass": null,
"VisitDateTime": "2015-04-21T13:54:49.863Z",
"AttendingProvider": {
"ID": "4356789876",
"IDType": "NPI",
"FirstName": "Davis ",
"LastName": "Wilson",
"Credentials": [
"Address": {
"StreetAddress": "123 Main St.",
"City": "San Jose"",
"State": "CA",
"ZIP": "53703",
"County": "Santa Clara",
"Country": "USA"
"EmailAddresses": [],
"PhoneNumber": {
"Office": "+16089851234"
"Location": {
"Type": null,
"Facility": null,
"Department": null,
"Room": null
"ConsultingProvider": {
"ID": "2434534567",
"IDType": "NPI",
"FirstName": "Smith",
"LastName": "Brown",
"Credentials": [
"Address": {
"StreetAddress": "312 East street",
"City": "San Jose"",
"State": "CA",
"ZIP": "53593",
"County": "Santa Clara",
"Country": "USA"
"EmailAddresses": [],
"PhoneNumber": {
"Office": "+16085559999"
"Location": {
"Type": null,
"Facility": null,
"Department": null,
"Room": null
"ReferringProvider": {
"ID": "4236464757",
"IDType": "NPI",
"FirstName": "Martin",
"LastName": "Thomas",
"Credentials": [
"Address": {
"StreetAddress": "500 First St.",
"City": "San Jose"",
"State": "CA",
"ZIP": "63105",
"County": "Santa Clara"
"Country": "USA"
"EmailAddresses": [],
"PhoneNumber": {
"Office": "+13145554321"
"Location": {
"Type": null,
"Facility": null,
"Department": null,
"Room": null
"Guarantor": {
"Number": "10001910",
"FirstName": "Kent",
"MiddleName": null,
"LastName": "Allen",
"SSN": null,
"DOB": null,
"Sex": null,
"Spouse": {
"FirstName": "Gracy",
"LastName": "Allen"
"Address": {
"StreetAddress": "99009 NP Street",
"City": "San Jose",
"State": "CA",
"ZIP": "53566",
"County": "Santa Clara",
"Country": "USA"
"PhoneNumber": {
"Home": null,
"Business": null,
"Mobile": null
"EmailAddresses": [],
"Type": null,
"RelationToPatient": "Father",
"Employer": {
"Name": "Digitech Labs",
"Address": {
"StreetAddress": "1456 Old City Road",
"City": "San Jose",
"State": "CA",
"ZIP": "53719",
"County": "Santa Clara",
"Country": "USA"
"PhoneNumber": "+18067451121"
"Insurances": [
"Plan": {
"ID": "31572",
"IDType": "Payor ID",
"Name": "HMO Deductible Plan",
"Type": null
"MemberNumber": null,
"Company": {
"ID": "60054",
"IDType": null,
"Name": "aetna (60054 0131)",
"Address": {
"StreetAddress": "PO Box 14080",
"City": "San Jose",
"State": "CA",
"ZIP": "40512-4079",
"County": "Santa Clara",
"Country": "USA"
"PhoneNumber": "+18089541123"
"GroupNumber": "847025-024-0009",
"GroupName": "Digitech Labs",
"EffectiveDate": "2015-01-01",
"ExpirationDate": "2020-12-31",
"PolicyNumber": "9140860055",
"Priority": null,
"AgreementType": null,
"CoverageType": null,
"Insured": {
"Identifiers": [],
"LastName": null,
"MiddleName": null,
"FirstName": null,
"SSN": null,
"Relationship": null,
"DOB": null,
"Sex": null,
"Address": {
"StreetAddress": null,
"City": null,
"State": null,
"ZIP": null,
"County": null,
"Country": null
"Location": {
"Type": "Inpatient",
"Facility": "MGM Hospital",
"Department": "3N",
"Room": "136",
"Bed": "B"
"Orders": [
"ID": "157968300",
"ApplicationOrderID": null,
"Status": "New",
"TransactionDateTime": "2015-05-06T06:00:58.872Z",
"CollectionDateTime": "2015-05-06T06:00:58.872Z",
"Specimen": {
"Source": null,
"BodySite": null,
"ID": null
"Procedure": {
"Code": "49086-2",
"Codeset": null,
"Description": "Second trimester maternal screen"
"Provider": {
"NPI": "4356789876",
"ID": "4356789876",
"IDType": "NPI",
"FirstName": "Davis Wilson",
"LastName": "Wilson",
"Credentials": [
"Address": {
"StreetAddress": "123 Main St.",
"City": "San Jose",
"State": "CA",
"ZIP": "53703",
"County": "Santa Clara",
"Country": "USA"
"EmailAddresses": [],
"PhoneNumber": {
"Office": "+16085551234"
"Location": {
"Type": null,
"Facility": null,
"Department": null,
"Room": null
"ResultCopyProviders": [],
"OrderingFacility": {
"Name": null,
"Address": {
"StreetAddress": null,
"City": null,
"State": null,
"ZIP": null,
"County": null,
"Country": null
"PhoneNumber": null
"Priority": "Stat",
"Comments": null,
"Notes": [],
"Diagnoses": [
"Code": "Z31.41",
"Codeset": "ICD-10",
"Name": "Encounter for fertility testing",
"Type": null,
"DocumentedDateTime": null
"ClinicalInfo": [
"Code": "QUESTION001",
"Codeset": null,
"Description": "Estimated Due Date",
"Value": "2015-10-05",
"Units": null,
"Abbreviation": null,
"Notes": []
"Code": "QUESTION002",
"Codeset": null,
"Description": "Ethnicity",
"Value": "White",
"Units": null,
"Abbreviation": "W",
"Notes": []
"Code": "QUESTION010",
"Codeset": null,
"Description": "Is this a twin pregnancy?",
"Value": "Singleton",
"Units": null,
"Abbreviation": "sng",
"Notes": []
"Code": "QUESTION011",
"Codeset": null,
"Description": "Dating Method",
"Value": "LMP",
"Units": null,
"Abbreviation": "lmp",
"Notes": []
"ID": "194415773",
"ApplicationOrderID": null,
"Status": "New",
"TransactionDateTime": "2015-05-05T00:00:00.000Z",
"CollectionDateTime": "2015-05-07T06:00:58.872Z",
"Specimen": {
"Source": null,
"BodySite": null,
"ID": null
"Procedure": {
"Code": "24356-8",
"Codeset": null,
"Description": "Urine analysis "
"Provider": {
"NPI": "4356789876",
"ID": "4356789876",
"IDType": "NPI",
"FirstName": "Davis ",
"LastName": "Wilson",
"Credentials": [
"Address": {
"StreetAddress": "123 Main St.",
"City": "San Jose",
"State": "CA",
"ZIP": "53703",
"County": "Santa Clara",
"Country": "USA"
"EmailAddresses": [],
"PhoneNumber": {
"Office": "+16085551234"
"Location": {
"Type": null,
"Facility": null,
"Department": null,
"Room": null
"ResultCopyProviders": [],
"OrderingFacility": {
"Name": null,
"Address": {
"StreetAddress": null,
"City": null,
"State": null,
"ZIP": null,
"County": null,
"Country": null
"PhoneNumber": null
"Priority": "Routine",
"Comments": null,
"Notes": [],
"Diagnoses": [
"Code": "R10.84",
"Codeset": "ICD-10",
"Name": "Abdominal pain",
"Type": null,
"DocumentedDateTime": null
"ClinicalInfo": []