This is the format of the response you will receive for a MasterQuery.
API endpoints for Master Query Ressponse
Sync REST API Endpoint to call the API: https://{base_url}/api/v1/master/query-response .
Async REST API Endpoint to call the API: https://{base_url}/api/v1/endpoint.
IntraConnects Unified Model
Event Type | IntraConnects Request | Data Type | Nextgen Response |
QueryResponse | Meta | Object | |
QueryResponse | Meta.DataModel | String | Master |
QueryResponse | Meta.EventType | String | Response |
QueryResponse | Meta.Raw | Array | |
QueryResponse | Meta.Source | Object | |
QueryResponse | Meta.Source.ID | String | |
QueryResponse | Meta.Source.Name | String | |
QueryResponse | Medication[] | Array of Objects | |
QueryResponse | Medication[].Name | String | |
QueryResponse | Medication[].ID | Integer | |
QueryResponse | Allergies[] | Array of Objects | |
QueryResponse | Allergies[].Name | String | |
QueryResponse | Allergies[].ID | Integer | |
QueryResponse | Severities[] | Array of Objects | |
QueryResponse | Severities[].Name | String | |
QueryResponse | Severities[].Code | String | |
QueryResponse | Reactions[] | Array of Objects | |
QueryResponse | Reactions[].Name | String | |
QueryResponse | Reactions[].ID | String | |
QueryResponse | Reactions[].Code | String | |
QueryResponse | Types[] | Array of Objects | |
QueryResponse | Types[].Name | String | |
QueryResponse | Types[].ID | Integer | id |
QueryResponse | Types[].IDType | String | name |
QueryResponse | Types[].IsDeleted | Boolean | isDeleted |
QueryResponse | Types[].Duration | Integer | duration |
QueryResponse | Orders[] | Array of Objects | |
QueryResponse | Orders[].Name | String | |
QueryResponse | Orders[].ID | Integer | |
QueryResponse | Facilities[] | Array of Objects | |
QueryResponse | Facilities[].State | String | |
QueryResponse | Facilities[].City | String | |
QueryResponse | Facilities[].Zip | String | |
QueryResponse | Facilities[].StreetAddress | String | |
QueryResponse | Facilities[].Contacts | Object | |
QueryResponse | Facilities[].Contacts.Phone | String | |
QueryResponse | Facilities[].Contacts.Fax | String | |
QueryResponse | Facilities[].Provider | Object | |
QueryResponse | Facilities[].Provider.FirstName | String | |
QueryResponse | Facilities[].Provider.LastName | String | |
QueryResponse | ImagingOrderTest[] | Array of Objects | |
QueryResponse | ImagingOrderTest[].Name | string | |
QueryResponse | ImagingOrderTest[].ID | Integer | |
QueryResponse | AncillaryCompanies[] | Array of Objects | |
QueryResponse | AncillaryCompanies[].ID | Integer | |
QueryResponse | AncillaryCompanies[].Name | String | |
QueryResponse | Medications[] | Array of Objects |