Query Response
This is the response format for a Notes Query.
API endpoints for Notes Query Response
Sync REST API Endpoint to call the API: https://{base_url}/api/v1/notes/query-response.
Async REST API Endpoint to call the API: https://{base_url}/api/v1/endpoint.
IntraConnects Unified Model
Event Type | IntraConnects Response | Data Type | Athena Response |
Response | Meta | Object | |
Response | Meta.DataModel | String | |
Response | Meta.EventType | String | |
Response | Meta.EventDateTime | String | |
Response | Meta.Test | Boolean | |
Response | Meta.Source | String | |
Response | Meta.Source.ID | String | |
Response | Meta.Source.Name | String | |
Response | Notes[] | Array of Objects | |
Response | Notes[].Patient | Object | |
Response | Notes[].Patient.Identifiers[] | Array of Objects | |
Response | Notes[].Patient.Identifiers[].ID | String | patientid |
Response | Notes[].Patient.Identifiers[].IDType | String | EHRID |
Response | Notes[].Visit | Object | |
Response | Notes[].Visit.VisitNumber | String | |
Response | Notes[].FileName | String | |
Response | Notes[].DocumentType | String | documentclass |
Response | Notes[].DocumentID | String | clinicaldocumentid |
Response | Notes[].DocumentRoute | String | |
Response | Notes[].documentSource | String | |
Response | Notes[].OservationDate | String | |
Response | Notes[].ServiceDateTime | String | createddate |
Response | Notes[].DocumentationDateTime | String | lastmodifieddate |
Response | Notes[].Status | String | |
Response | Notes[].CreatedUser | String | |
Response | Notes[].LastModifiedUser | String | |
Response | Notes[].DocumentClass | String | |
Response | Notes[].ContentType | String | contenttype |
Response | Notes[].DocumentDescription | String | |
Response | Notes[].FileContents | String | documentdescription |
Response | Notes[].Encounter | Object | |
Response | Notes[].Encounter.EncounterNumber | String | |
Response | TotalCount | Numeric | totalcount |