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Notes Query


The specified filter criteria can be utilized with this query to retrieve notes, and the format of the response adheres to the QueryResponse event type.

API Endpoints for NotesQuery

Sync REST API Endpoint to call the API: https://{base_url}/api/v1/claim/notesquery.

Async REST API Endpoint to call the API: https://{base_url}/api/v1/endpoint.

Data Model JSON for NotesQuery

Query - Sample Payload
"Meta": {
"DataModel": "Claim",
"EventType": "NotesQuery",
"Test": true,
"Source": {
"ID": "b5222a4e-6d66-49e6-93bc-ed3ab04a2ed8",
"Name": "customerid"
"Claim": {
"ID": "2",
"Notes": [
"Status": null,
"ID": null,
"Description": null,
"Code": null,
"Name": null