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This is the response to the Vaccination PatientQuery.

API endpoints for Patient Query Response

Sync REST API Endpoint to call the API: https://{base_url}/api/v1/vaccination/patient-query-response.

Async REST API Endpoint to call the API: https://{base_url}/api/v1/endpoint.

Data Model JSON for PatientQueryResponse

PatientQueryResponse - Sample Payload
"Meta": {
"DataModel": "Vaccination",
"EventType": "PatientQueryResponse",
"EventDateTime": "2022-08-16T14:21:20.733Z",
"Test": true,
"Source": {
"ID": "91004d84-1cab-4d85-ac81-35002f2b0fc3 ",
"Name": "EHR Bridge Dev Tools"
"Destinations": [
"ID": "9b71f2a7-8a8e-443d-b9bd-b31d015d337a",
"Name": "Vaccination Endpoint"
"Logs": [
"ID": "1a5f90b5-a3a4-41dc-81df-c672c4c79201",
"AttemptID": "5ff2d5bd-f7c9-464b-828c-46bbea687b65"
"Message": {
"ID": 5565
"Transmission": {
"ID": 12414
"FacilityCode": null
"Patient": {
"Identifiers": [
"ID": "0000000001",
"IDType": "MR"
"ID": "2f6e8339-ab93-41af-bc4b-b8638b534df6 ",
"IDType": "EHRID"
"ID": "f81655e1-f381-4329-a523-cdec01f286c7",
"IDType": "NIST"
"Demographics": {
"FirstName": "James",
"MiddleName": "Alex",
"LastName": "Smith",
"DOB": "2008-01-06",
"SSN": "101-01-0001",
"Sex": "Male",
"Race": "White",
"IsHispanic": null,
"Religion": null,
"MaritalStatus": "Single",
"IsDeceased": null,
"DeathDateTime": null,
"PhoneNumber": {
"Home": "+18088675301",
"Office": null,
"Mobile": null
"EmailAddresses": [],
"Language": "en",
"Citizenship": [],
"Address": {
"StreetAddress": "4762 Hill Street",
"City": "San Jose"",
"State": "CA",
"ZIP": "53566",
"County": "Santa Clara",
"Country": "USA"
"Notes": [],
"Contacts": [
"FirstName": "Alena",
"MiddleName": null,
"LastName": "Smith",
"Address": {
"StreetAddress": "4762 Hill Street",
"City": "San Jose"",
"State": "CA",
"ZIP": "53566",
"County": "Santa Clara",
"Country": "USA"
"PhoneNumber": {
"Home": "+18088675303",
"Office": "+17077543758",
"Mobile": "+19189368865"
"RelationToPatient": "Mother",
"EmailAddresses": [
"Roles": [
"Emergency Contact"
"PCP": {
"NPI": "4356789876",
"ID": "4356789876",
"IDType": "NPI",
"FirstName": "Bobby",
"LastName": "Grant",
"Credentials": [
"Address": {
"StreetAddress": "123 Main St.",
"City": "San Jose"",
"State": "CA",
"ZIP": "53703",
"County": "Santa Clara",
"Country": "USA"
"EmailAddresses": [],
"PhoneNumber": {
"Office": "+16085551234"
"Location": {
"Type": null,
"Facility": null,
"Department": null,
"Room": null
"Vaccinations": [
"DateTime": "2015-08-13T21:08:57.581Z",
"Product": {
"Code": "20",
"Codeset": "CVX",
"Description": null,
"LotNumber": "123456789",
"ExpirationDate": null,
"Manufacturer": {
"Code": null,
"Codeset": null,
"Name": null
"Route": {
"Code": "Intramuscular",
"Codeset": null,
"Name": null
"Site": {
"Code": "Left arm",
"Codeset": null,
"Name": null
"Dose": {
"Quantity": "0.5",
"Units": null
"Order": {
"ID": "123",
"EHRID": "456",
"Provider": {
"NPI": null,
"ID": null,
"IDType": null,
"FirstName": null,
"LastName": null,
"Credentials": [],
"Address": {
"StreetAddress": null,
"City": null,
"State": null,
"ZIP": null,
"County": null,
"Country": null
"EmailAddresses": [],
"PhoneNumber": {
"Office": null
"Location": {
"Type": null,
"Facility": null,
"Department": null,
"Room": null
"ClinicalInfo": [],
"Notes": [
"VIS date: May 17 2007"
"RefusalReason": null,
"Provider": {
"ID": "4356789876",
"IDType": "NPI",
"FirstName": "Bobby",
"LastName": "Grant",
"Credentials": [],
"Address": {
"StreetAddress": null,
"City": null,
"State": null,
"ZIP": null,
"County": null,
"Country": null
"EmailAddresses": [],
"PhoneNumber": {
"Office": null
"Location": {
"Type": null,
"Facility": null,
"Department": null,
"Room": null
"Location": {
"Type": "Clinic",
"Facility": "Rolling Oaks Outpatient Center",
"Department": "Rolling Oaks Pediatrics",
"Room": null
"PotentialMatches": []