📄️ Arrival
An Arrival event type is generated when a patient arrives for their scheduled visit or when a patient is admitted to a hospital. This event type typically includes information such as the patient's name, patient ID, visit or admission details, and other relevant patient information.
📄️ Cancel
A Cancel message is generated when a PatientAdmin event, such as an Arrival or Discharge event, is canceled. The Meta.CanceledEvent field in the message indicates which type of event is being canceled, such as Arrival or Discharge.
📄️ Discharge
A Discharge message is generated when a patient is discharged or checked out from a clinical stay or visit. This message typically contains information about the patient's discharge status, discharge instructions, and other relevant details.
📄️ PatientUpdate
A Patient Update message is generated when there is a change in patient or registration information while the patient is not currently admitted. This message is used to trigger updates to patient records in various systems, such as changes to demographic information, contact details, insurance information, or other relevant patient data.
📄️ PatientMerge
The PatientMerge event type indicates that two patient records should be combined. This typically occurs when a health system determines that documentation for the same patient has occurred on two separate patient records.
📄️ PreAdmit
A Pre-Admit event is used to prepare for an upcoming admission or encounter. This event type is typically used to create a patient record and/or a visit record in advance, in order to streamline the admission process and gather necessary information ahead of time. For example, a Pre-Admit event may be used before a scheduled surgery to ensure that all required lab tests are performed and results are available prior to the procedure.
📄️ Registration
A Registration message is generated when a patient is checked into a specific visit or registered for a Hospital Outpatient Visit. This event type typically includes information about the patient, such as demographics details, insurance information, and visit specifics, such as the reason for the visit, planned procedures, and relevant medical history.
📄️ Transfer
A Transfer message is generated when a patient is transferred from one unit to another within a healthcare facility. This event type typically includes information about the patient, such as demographic details, current location, and destination location, as well as any relevant clinical information, such as diagnoses, medications, and b instructions.
📄️ VisitMerge
The Patient Identifiers field contains the identifiers for the patient record to which the visit should be moved. This field typically includes unique patient identifiers, such as medical record number (MRN), patient ID, or other identification numbers that are used by the healthcare facility or system to uniquely identify patients.
📄️ VisitUpdate
A VisitUpdate event type is generated when there are changes to patient or registration information related to a visit. This event type is typically triggered when there are updates or modifications to a patient's demographic information, such as name, date of birth, address, contact information, or other registration details associated with a visit.
📄️ CensusQuery
The CensusQuery event type enables searching for all currently admitted patients within a facility. The response includes patient demographics and visit identifying information, providing a snapshot of the patients who are currently admitted to the facility. Additional information about the patients or visits can be retrieved by following up with a PatientSearch Query or a VisitQuery event type, which allows for further querying and retrieval of specific patient or visit details from the facility's electronic health record (EHR) or other healthcare systems.
📄️ Checkout
A Checkout event type is generated when a patient completes their visit or when a patient is discharged from the hospital. This event type typically indicates the end of a visit or hospital stay and may include information such as the discharge date and time, reason for discharge, and any other relevant details.
📄️ CensusQueryResponse
The response to a Census Query is an array of patients, demographics, and visits.
📄️ VisitQuery
The VisitQuery event type enables searching for patient demographics and visit information that has been received through PatientAdmin events. This event type allows querying for specific patient demographics, such as patient ID, medical record number (MRN), patient name, date of birth, etc., as well as visit-related information, such as visit ID, admission date, discharge date, visit type.
📄️ VisitQueryResponse
The response to a Visit Query is an array of patients, demographics, and visit details.